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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PAPILLON the beauty salon 42
PELAME salon for women 44
PERFECTA ladies salon +woma 44
POSH salon & spa +angels 44
PRINCE salon & spa +crown 44
REBORN spa & salon +man ova 44
REEVEES spa & salon +flower 44
S AJANTA'S salon for he she 44
S SPARKLE beauty salon +ova 42
SABRI MORDEZ family salon 44
SHEAR MAGIC unisex salon 44
SHEZ BEAUTY salon spa +woma 44
SHUDDHA salon & spa +bird 44
SIZZLIN SCIZZORS salon +arc 44
SMART LOOK beauty salon 44
STELLA'S beauty salon 44
STUDIO 11 salon & spa +arcs 44
STUDIO BLACK unisex salon 44
STUDIO D salon & spa +flowe 44
STUDIO FRINGGE unisex salon 44
TAJ salon image-makeovers 42
TAMANNA hair & beauty salon 44
TANGERINE spa & salon 3, 42
TANGY ROSES salon & spa 35
TC total care beauty salon 42
THE NAUGHTY TAILS pet salon 44
THE NEW LOOK spa & salon 44
TIME STYLE salon de luxe 42
TRESSXCEL unisex salon 42
UPSTYLE women's salon +woma 44
UTOPIA a salon +eye 42
VALENTIA spa salon 44
salon 16
WANG'S ROSE beauty salon 44
X SPELL beauty salon academ 44
ZIBA salon 44
ZIDO salon 44
ZING beauty salon & spa 44
shyam salona 3
BUSS BELSON unisex salons 44
ENRICH salons academy +hear 44
YAMINI'S salons for you 16
APEX hair & beauty saloon 41
APK ATTRACT beauty saloon 44
BANJARA hair cutting saloon 42
BLUSH ON beauty saloon 42
DR. MAAN'S saloon spa healt 41
HAPPY EVER beauty saloon 44
MAB spa & saloon 44
MACHO & SENORA saloon & spa 44
OPIUM spas saloon lounge 38, 41
PRESTIGE unisex saloon 44
RBS ROYAL BLUE spa & saloon 44
TAURUS hair & beauty saloon 42
UTHOPIA beauty saloon 42
VIVID spa & saloon 42
VOGUE beauty saloon 16
ZEMMS saloon world 42
salsa wraps 43
CHIPSEE tangy mexican salsa 29
salt & pepper CONCEPTS EVEN 41, 42
salt & spices FOODIE FUNDAS 30
1 A ONE salt 30
7 STAR salt +stars 30
A.G.N.O. salt 5
AAMARPALI iodized salt 30
AANANDHAM iodised salt 30
AANCHAL iodised salt 30
AASKAR salt 30
AHIR salt 30
AKSHDHA tripal refined salt 30
ALI salt +boy crescent star 30
AMAR salt 30
AMBER iodised salt +chef 30
AMI-salt sl 5
AMRUTHA crystal salt 30
ANGEL free flow salt +food 30
ANKITA iodized salt 30
ANKUR TEJA salt +circles 30
ANKUR iodised salt 30
ANKUR iodised salt +ovals 30
ANKUR'S LOKPRIYA salt +chef 30
ANKURIT iodized salt 30
ANKUSH salt +woman 30
ANMOL salt 30
ANMOL iodised salt 30
ANNA salt +cartoon & circle 30
ANNAJYOTI salt +lamp & pot 30
ANNASHAKTI salt +arcs 30
ANNKUT iodine salt 30
ANSH premium iodized salt 30
ANUPAMA iodised salt +pots 30
APARNA iodised crystal salt 30
salt 30
ARASI crystal salt 30
AREAL superfine salt +star 30
ARIALI salt 30
AS AASTHA salt +oval 30
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